Friday, November 30, 2018

Riley Blake's - A Little Sweetness from the Rockies

I finished another toddler quilt.  I'm really not sure where I found the time, except that quilting makes me happy and feel accomplished.

 I really love this fabric line.  It's very girly and yet very bold.

 I bought the fabric when we were on our way to the Rocky Mountains.  We had stopped over in a small town called Hamilton in Missouri...ever hear of it?  It's where Missouri Star Quilt Company is.  I learned to quilt and not be afraid of quilting from Jenny Doan. 

I really miss the Rockies, but we made so many good memories!  I can't wait to go back.  Well, motherhood calls and I need to go cook something and clean something and love on two little sweeties. 

Have a great weekend - April @Little Mama Hen

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