Finished my quilt top for Hands 2 Help charity organized over at Confessions of a Fabric Addict. I do love purple. I say that my favorite color is green and I think it is; however, my husband says I pick purple far more than I pick any other color. :) Now that the tops finished I need to decide what to do for the back!
Mother's day is just around the corner and so I've been thinking about my Mama a lot lately. I love her so and I am so blessed that she is a part of my life. So many things she said I'd understand when I got older, I do. So many things that she said I was strong enough to make it through, I did. So many things she said I'd love as a mother, I love. She is a reflection of grace and EXCITEMENT. :)

I've also started another quilt with a little Marmalade. Who doesn't love some Marmalade. -Have a great Weekend! -Little Mama Hen
Confessions of a Fabric Addict
Crazy Mom Quilts