Saturday, October 27, 2012

California Girl for Mama

We celebrated Mama's Birthday today!!  It was a lot of fun.  I made her a patchwork quilt from the California Girl fabric line.  Joanna Figueroa has designed some of my favorite fabrics.  If I ever win the lottery I will buy a piece of fabric from every design she has ever made and hang them on my wall.  That's probably not even possible, but you get the idea.  :)

I love my Mama and I wanted to make her a special quilt.  She walked me down the aisle when I got married.  She traveled 1500 miles to watch me graduate from the military.  She traveled another 3,000 miles to visit me when I was stationed in California.  We traveled to Germany together.  When I was in college and had a night class, she rode with me and then slept/read a book in the car until my class was over - just so I would be safe.  She taught me to cross stitch, crochet, cook, and she tried to teach me to sew (that's another story lol!).

My Mama is a cancer survivor.  She can paint, play the piano, write.  She is open minded to what others think, but firm in what she thinks is right.

She is full of life and laughter and it's no wonder that her nickname is Sunshine.  She can light up a room by just smiling.  She has spent her entire life being a Mama first and I love her.  Happy Birthday Mama.   :)

Back of Quilt

MaoMao loves quilts!

Thank you Mama for being so wonderful and I thank God for letting me be a part of your life.  I love you. -Little Mama Hen.

Sharing @Quilt Story

Grandmama holding all of her little lovies hands. :)

I may be nearly 40 years old, but I'm still Mama's little girl. :)


  1. This is so sweet. You're both lucky to have each other.

  2. Love this! What an amazing mama you have:)

  3. April Nanette,
    You are simply a wonderful person! What a beautiful, gorgeous quilt! I can't imagine the time it took you to make it with your loving heart. What a tremendous life you radiate to everyone who knows you as a friend, daughter, mother, wife, sister, writer, quilter, neighbor, or any of the hundreds of other channels of your life. I love you.

  4. Gorgeous quilt! And nice work on the backing!

  5. a beautiful quilt, and a lovely tribute to your mother :)

  6. What a special tribute to your mama and a love quilt to celebrate her goodness!


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