Sunday, July 1, 2012

Gone with June

June!  and yes MaoMao is in the middle of it all!

It's so amazing that June is over and July has begun!  My Little Ladybug is already keeping track of the calendar.  She is on a count down until her 6th birthday (sniff sniff, wiping my eyes with a tissue-wasn't I just pregnant with her?).  Her birthday isn't until August; however, this is the first year that she is old enough to anticipate it!  And she's EXCITED!  Who can blame her, birthday's are the best!

I'm pretty sure that I started more projects than I finished this month, but that's ok.  There are so many sewing/quilting ideas that I want to 'try-out', it' so hard to concentrate on one task at a time.  Of course, for me creating is part of the fun.  What did you get started on/finish this month?  I'm going over to Lily's Quilts to see what everyone else is up to.  It's a great place to be inspired and share.  She has a darling little purse that I just must try to make...sometime. :)   But for now, I think I'll go drink some chocolate milk with my Little Ladybug; you're never to old for chocolate milk!  -Little Mama Hen.


  1. Starting is good----finishing is optional : )

  2. Looks like you've been busy! Busier than me, that's for sure, lol.

  3. It does look as if you've been very busy! Glad to meet someone else who has a list of things to make "sometime":-)

  4. Lots of nice looking projects in your mosaic! My birthday is coming up too, but it's my 30th so I'm trying not to think about it! :P MM, chocolate milk!!

  5. Awww...your little kitty in the middle of all those projects! You did quite a bit this last month. Looks like you had a lot of fun!

  6. Haha! I'm totally with you on starting more projects than finishing, but you know what that means! This month will be the show off all your finishes month! Your kitty looks like mine when he was a baby :) And I hate break it to you, but still can't get whatever he's laying down on from underneath him:) he thinks he owns everything!


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