Friday, January 11, 2013

Red and White

One of the reasons I have so many WIP (works in progress) is because Quilting is fairly new to me and I want to try every new design and idea that I see!  I'm not satisfied with making one block and then moving on, the block has to 'become' something.  However, I get so many new ideas, I hop from one project to another and start 5 more before I ever finish one.   This is ok with me, it's just the kind of artist I am.

I have decided though, to make several small baby/doll/lap quilts to help bring some of my  many projects to a finish line.  One of those projects is this sweet little red and white quilt.  I think she is darling.  I'm not actually finished yet.  I'm waiting for some backing fabric to arrive (fingers crossed, maybe today!).

Well, I hope your Friday is filled with lots of fun and quilting goodness.  -Little Mama Hen

Linking up @ Crazy Mom Quilts and Confessions of a Fabric Addict


  1. I also hop from one project to another...making them into doll quilts is a great idea! Maybe I'd actually finish some quilts that way!!

  2. Whoop! Whoop! :) Very pretty with lots of open areas for terrific quilting. I'm a cyclical quilter, too - have to have several projects to move amongst instead of seeing only one idea through from conception to finish.

  3. Awesome.I also hop from one project to other too and have several ones dancing.

  4. Dear April Nanette,
    I'm not a quilter, but I certainly, absolutely LOVE looking and admiring yours! Beautiful red and white!

  5. Love your quilt it's adorable where did you get the pattern. Sounds like you're a true quilter more projects in ideas then time in a day to finish.

  6. April, that little quilt is beautiful! I love the rich red you used. Whoop whoop!!

  7. The fans on the corners really make the quilt. Very Lovely.


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